Saturday, January 4, 2014

How to design 4 rooms in 5 days

Redesign 4 Spaces in 5 Days? It is Possible!

 Before my client moved into her new apartment, she asked me to design her living area, dining area, entryway, and kitchen before her family moved in, and before her extended family came to visit for the holidays.

 We had 5 days to do it, and a conservative budget.

 Here is how I did it:

 1. Make a Design plan - it is crucial with any design project to create a plan, especially when you only have 5 days; there is no room for error!

 2. Recruit Help - It will always take more time than you think! I knew this, so I enlisted my talented sister to assist. Without her it would not have been possible!

 3. Shop, Shop, Shop - When you are short on time, you have to buy more than what you are going to use, then return unused items; KEEP YOUR RECEIPTS AND PACKAGING!! Remember, when you are buying used, you cannot return, so that is why your floor plan is so crucial!

 4. Do all painting and hardware installation first - You need to see the finished space before deciding where art, furniture and accessories will go.

 5. Load in the room - This is where your recruited help also comes in handy, having a second opinion when you are short on time helps speed up the decision making process.

 FINAL RESULT - Four beautiful spaces achieved on a budget. What a dramatic transformation!

More Decor
My design plan for designing 4 rooms in 5 days

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