Tuesday, February 27, 2018

You Can Have a dining room in a small space

Our client didn't think it was possible to get a dining room in this smaller front room...Well we figured out how, and now the buyer can envision both a living room and a dining room in the space!! 👌 

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Dining Room ideas

Friday, February 9, 2018

Make a small bedroom into a retreat

Small bedrooms deserve staging too!! Home Buyers dream of having a master retreat, so even if yours isn't palatial, you can make it feel luxurious with professional staging. We use the right scale furniture, color, texture, and proportion; resulting in a relaxing, peaceful retreat 💆‍♀️

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Tips for decorating a small bedroom

Friday, February 2, 2018

Non Matching Furniture Can look Great

Completed staging in Roy this evening!! This one is the perfect example of a tip I teach my clients, using unique individual pieces of furniture ads so much more interest and character to a space than a matching furniture set purchased off a showroom floor. Not sure where to start? We can help with a personalized design plan!!

More Decor

Furniture Does not always need to match