Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Staged Home sells in two days with all the furniture

You know you've done your job right when the buyer purchases all of the furniture used to stage the property😊 Before staging, this property sat on the market with no action for 30 days, after staging, it sold in two days at full asking price!! Whether $250,000 or $2.5 million, we tailor the design to the property and target market. We deliver to the buyer a lifestyle that they dream of and aspire to, and show them how they can achieve it!!

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Staged home sells in two days with all the furniture

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving 2017

Wishing you all, our friends, clients, and colleagues an amazing Thanksgiving!! Thank you so very much for all you do!!

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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Thursday, November 9, 2017

A new Stylish Fireplace to heat your home

Getting a professionally designed and installed fireplace is easier than you think!! We recently added this brand new gas fireplace for a client where there was nothing before...Now this family has a warm cozy place to gather around for the Winter 🔥🔥🔥 Call us for a consultation on designing the right fireplace for you!!

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Fireplace are easy to install

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

During a Change in your life interior design can help

It's so amazing that we get to help people through the many transitions in their life. Change is not always easy, so when our clients trust us to help ease them through their personal transformation, we feel so grateful to do what we do! Here, our amazing client transitioned from a large single family house into a 500 sq ft apartment. He is now able to live his new life in a way that fully represents and embodies who he truly is!!

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A lifer change can be helped with interior design